Saturday, July 9, 2011


There is a powerful story told of Leonardo Da Vinci
One day in his studio he started work on a large canvas. He laboured on it, choosing the subject carefully, arranging the perspective, sketching the outline, applying the colours and developing the background. Then, for some unknown reason, he stopped with the painting still unfinished. He called one of his students and asked him to finish. The student was flabbergasted, how could he finish a painting by one of the world's truly great masters. He protested his inadequacy and inefficiency for so challenging a task, but the great artist silenced him.
"Will not what I have done inspire you to do your best?" he asked.

That's really Jesus' question, isn't it? As a Christian we should be inspired everyday despite of all our trials, cares and burdens in life. We should not forget that Jesus gave his life for you and for me.

He paid the debt he did not owe, We owed the debt but we could not pay. Jesus took our place on the cross, and that made me thankful and inspired everyday.

God Bless. 

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